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Sunday 1 February 2009

Happy Birthday to Lennart Pihl!

We are starting this Blog on an important day! Today, the 1rst of February is Lennart Pihl's Birthday! Happy Birthday Dad from the Heaven Team!

Many wishes for your Birthday! We all hope to see you soon in Paros!

Heaven Naoussa is getting ready for Summer 2009!

The Heaven Naoussa Team has gotten together this weekend to prepare for Summer 2009! Heaven Naoussa, located on the Island of Paros in the Cyclades, in a beatuiful fisherman's town called Naoussa will be opening its doors to holiday sun, fun, and sea seekers!
The official opening is planned ont he 29th of May but since we have received requests for earler on we are going to try and fulfill those requests!

We will be in touch shortly to answer all email booking requests we have received over the Winter months!

The Heaven Naoussa Team can't wait for the summer to be begin and to all be back on our must beautiful cycladic Island!

Should you need to get in contact with us:

And please come see our old website: while it is still around! Yes, we are in the middle of redoing ours! We cannot sau more... surprise, surprise!!